Wednesday 1 October 2008


Well, I've been in bed all day feeling sorry for myself as i've not been very well, i'm now up at stupid o'clock and i'm wide awake lol. So I thought hey, why not do my blog...

I've been browsing them websites we got on the back of the brief and came across, it's great! It's got loads of cool stuff on there, one being the piece below.

Sebastian Lemm

I find this really interesting in the way that the designer has experimented with different angles and views in order to create a message. When looking at the letters seperately they look disjointed however when you look at the image as a whole it comes together and it's almost readable. Another piece I found interesting is one by Oded Ezer.

Oded Ezer

I really like the way Oded has brought the letters to life. It reminds me of Film reel, or legs/arms reaching out from the page. I also think it reflects NY in the way that it is busy, complex, layered etc.

I also came across a few adverts whilst looking through websites and this perticular one caught my eye..

British Airways Commercial

I like this advert because it's fun and angelic. It includes a varied amount of typefaces and exciting transitions.

I recently bought the book "What is Graphic Design" by Quentin Newark and have hardly put it down since. It's a really good book. There are loads of images I like, one being this.. (sorry about the quality of the photos)

H5: The Child Film

I'm fascinated by the number of different ways words can be manipulated to suggest an object or space, like this city built of words, it looks really good.

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