Tuesday 9 December 2008

Photography Sessions - Using an SLR.

We went over the basic settings of a SLR camera, and if I'm honest, I've been over them a few times before, and yet I still can't get my head round it. It's completely different when you've actually got a camera in your hand, I just don't know where to start. These pictures aren't brilliant, it really is just me playing around with a camera, but hey, thats how you learn right?

I've tried to use as much settings as I knew how, but I'm still struggling. 

Macro Shot

Using the Landscape setting

Macro Shot (focussing on the foreground)

Macro shot (focussing on the background)

In focus and using about 30 sec shutter speed 
(note all traffic light colours are showing)

Out of Focus (and also using a long shutter speed)

I really want to be able to take a great picture. Luckily my elective is digital photography, so hopefully that will expand my knowledge a bit. But until then I've been looking through websites, and have bought the book 'how to photography absolutely everything' which hopefully will also help me.

Here's a website I've found useful:

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