Friday 14 November 2008

Message & Delivery - Mail Shot.

I've struggled with this brief, mainly because i'm still a little unsure of what a mail shot should consist of, but i've enjoyed it none the less. Especially designing my envelope, which I think I may have spent just a little bit too much time on.

I've gone for a newspaper theme, basically trying to get the message across that newspaper has other uses, and that we can recycle it ourselves. My envelopes are made out of newspaper and are also reusable as i've included a button to close it and a clear plastic wallet on the front for you to slip the address in. I really like the idea but it's a bit fragile and I have doubts it will survive in the post.

So, when I was thinking of other uses newspaper can have, the only one that kind of stood out was that it could be used as wrapping paper. So I wrapped one of my books up and took some photos.

At first I thought it was a good idea, but now I think its a bit naff. Maybe I should of found a different use for it. Anyway, it gets my idea across so it'll do.

Ok, so here's some of my final ideas.

I'm a little unsure about it at the moment, it looks a bit empty. But i'm still playing around with it anyway so hopefully i'll come up with something better.

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