What did I used to be?
When I first started this course, I really had no idea what I enjoyed doing the most. I was quite open minded, and still am, which I feel is great way to be at this stage in the course.
I used to only work with image, especially photography. I never really thought about type, and had no idea of how to approach it, so used to avoid it wherever possible.
Where are you now?
To my suprise, I would say I am now completely type based. I absolutely love working with type. I'm not going to say thats all I want to do, obviously there are still things I enjoy doing and things I have yet to experiment with.
I am also thoroughly enjoying type and grid sessions, even doing layout templates and designing grids. It's something I never thought I would enjoy.
Where do I intend to be in the future?
1. I would really like to expand my knowledge of Typography. I have bought books that have not yet had chance to read, but I intend to over the summer period. I would like to eventually get to the stage where I can identify fonts, point sizes and leading, just by looking at it. Thats obviously something thats going to take a while to accomplish, though.
2. Although I enjoy working on computers, I would really like to start drawing more. I'd also like to get down to the print room and do some screen printing, I love this technique but haven't found the confidence to go and use it yet.